Quintin L Gunn Sr
Doctors Social Media Practice Consulting & Development LLC., USA
Quintin L Gunn Sr is Lead Strategic Planner and CSO for Doctors Social Media Practice Consulting & Development LLC. Their primary focus is on Practice Development and effective Medical Marketing techniques for health care practitioners and medical practice groups. He has a successful track record of helping medical practice groups and individual doctors struggling with low to stagnant income, and improved understanding of the Internet and Social Media’s impact on their medical practice image and patient retention efforts. In 2014, he was selected as one of the Featured Panelists by Oracle Customer Experience Group related to Helping Health Care Organizations Leverage Social Media. This program was focused on helping providers integrate Social Media into their practice communication process. In 2013 & 2011, he was awarded Top Consultative Sales and Practice Development Specialist for PracticeDock and LocateADoc.com. He is a Member of Physician Office Managers Associaiton of America (POMAA) , Dallastown, PA, USA; The National Office Managers Association of America (NOMAA) Dallastown, PA, USA; The National Aesthetic Spa Network, (NASN) Ozark, MO USA; National Healthcare Leaders Association (NHCLA) Orlando, FL. Most recently, he has written and is publishing via LinkedIn, a series of Practice Development modules to help improve practice performance titled “Annual Practice Assessment: The Prescription for Success!”; “Is Social Media Good for Your Practice?”; “Social Media Search and Consumers”.
Abstract : Is social media good for your practice?