Dr. Athreya Rajagopal
Maxillofacial & Facial Cosmetic Surgeon, India
Title: Twilight Growth Factor Lift: A Minimally Invasive Approach for facial Rejunivation
Biography: Dr. Athreya Rajagopal
Minimally invasive techniques are the need of the hour to achieve the best results in facial rejuvenation.The ageing face shows poor definition of the mandibular margin, wrinkles of the forehead, vertical wrinkles in the glabellar area, drooping of the zygomatic malar region, and deepening of the naso-buccal fold. Another main factor in the effect of aging on appearance is gravity,due to the resorption & atrophy of fat and muscle specially in the middle third of the face & hence increased skin laxity in the lower third of the face.
To counteract the volume loss in the middle third & increased skin laxity in the lower third a combination technique proved to be an accurate method to treat the ageing face.The twilight lifting techniques lays emphasis on the use of PDO threads with Growth factors derived from the patients blood.Activated growth factors with PDO helps collagen synthesis & activates a series of events that help in collagen re-modelling and increase in lymph circulation which in turn causes the firmness and acts as an asset in facial rejuvination.