Vincent Wong
Dr Vincent Wong Skincare, UK
Title: 23XY lift: Male facial enhancement with dermal fi llers
Biography: Vincent Wong
Introduction: Facial attractiveness is characterized by a combination of factors that involve symmetry and proportions that are deemed aesthetically pleasing. Sexual dimorphism (the phenotypic differences between the sexes of the same species) is often less obvious when it comes to facial structure. However, the approach to male aesthetics is different to that of female. Hence it is of utmost importance that we understand sexual dimorphism and have a profound appreciation of male and female beauty. Materials & Methods: The 23XY Lift describes the injection techniques of dermal fillers into the 7 zones of the male face where volume deficiencies are commonly found. The 7 zones are:
1. Temple
2. Cheek
3. Under Eye Area
4. Alar Base
5. Corner of Mouth
6. Chin
7. Angle of the Jaw
Conclusion: When it comes to male facial aesthetics, the 23XY Lift can help enhance the masculinity of the visage while minimizing the risks of complications and feminization of the face. Here, we discuss the 7 regions of the male face that can be treated using a step-by-step approach. These techniques are used widely within the aesthetics industry and are considered safe. However, it is important to bear in mind that this chapter acts purely as a guide, and there are various other techniques available for the same regions. Practitioner’s skills and experience also play a vital role in the final outcome of treatments, therefore, we strongly recommend using this guide as an adjunct to your advanced aesthetics training.